Welcome in Skeltown, glad to see you starting this journey with us.

The inhabitants of this little village are called the "Skelbones". Today all the bones of the cemeteries have returned from their graveyard and have come together for a big party. All we can say is that they made a razzia in the area supermarket to be the most beautiful for the occasion.

Skelbones link
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What's Skelbones X ?

Skelbones is a Belgian NFT minting project and an OpenSea collection of 2000 items. Each items is a 1/1 NFT who comes with property and rarity.

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What's Skelbones [EVO] ?

Stay tuned for this Skelbones next stage !

Coming Soon...

...very soon !

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Why owning Skelbones items ?

What are my advantages ?

MATIC Prizes

At least 10% of earnings will be refunded to owners

Every 100 MATIC > 5X 2 MATIC refunded


Every 200 MATIC we'll select 1 owner and

buy in his personal collection


Giveaway from NFTCOM_UNITY  collection

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Win big prizes on SkelbonesX collection Sold Out !

When 2000/2000 items are gone a NFT giveaway will be organized with fabulous prizes, such as a Metavixen, Happy Cult Friends...  Actually 53 NFTs were collected for the occasion.


Happy Cult Friends
Scarce Skulls
Love Graf
Space Odissey
Salimar gm
Colorful Whales
Monster island
Accidental street Art

Many of these NFTs are donations from our owners or collected by @NFTCOM_UNITY

Clic on picture to access to the collection

After the SkelbonesX collection sod out, the pieces collected will be fairly distributed along the collection owners. There will be three draws, depending the amount of Skelbones items owned.


Sold out prizes distribution

After the SkelbonesX collection sod out, the pieces collected will be fairly distributed along the collection owners. There will be three draws, depending the amount of Skelbones items owned.


If you own at least 1-to10 items, you'll entered the 1st price draw.


If you own at least 11 to 20 items, you'll entered the 1st and the 2nd draw.


If you own at least 21 item, you'll entered the 1st,  the 2nd and the 3rd draw, with maybe the chance to win the big price, the METAVIXEN275 from the Metavixens OpenSea collection by @theinkedmink


Actual NFTs collected (53)

Because we still collecting pieces, the repartition for the the draw will be defined later.

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What are the SkelTokens ?

SkelTokens are owners/holders special benefits. These tokens will be weekly distributed during 5 weeks, starting February 12, and depending the amount of items owned in the collection. (see tables below)

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These accumulated tokens will be distributed during 5 weeks.

When Skelbones [evo] will be available for mint, your accumulated "Skelbones Tokens" will be redeemed at ratio 3:1 (3 SkelTokens = 1 Skelbones [evo] NFT)


See tables above for Snapshot dates and amount of skeltokens you'll receive.

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Free Mint Token

Each owners at first snapshot date will receive 1 of this token valid on minting of the next stage called Skelbones [evo].

This token is yours, you can keep it, send it, sell it, burn it... But be aware that only the owners of the token at snapshot date will be able to mint the next stage NFT.

Snapshot : March 12

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Top 10 Token

Top 10 owners will also receive at snapshot date, March 12, some Skelbones [evo] extra mint.


1st, 2nd and 3rd : 5 Mint

4th, 5th and 6th : 3 Mint

7th, 8th, 9th an 10th : 2 Mint

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More to come...